This fig tree came from my mother's fig tree which came from her father's fig tree. When my cousins and I were little my grandfather's fig tree was big enough for us to climb in. When we planted this tree 10 years ago everybody told us, "You can't grow a fig tree here in the mountains!" I named the tree Gus after my grandfather and Gus yields a bumper crop of figs every other year. This year there aren't many on him so I'll let the birds have at it when they get ripe. Right now the sweet smell is so delicious. It's planted below the window of my upstairs office and the whole office smells sweet and "figgy."
Just finished reading "Dog Nanny" ... a hilarious new book by my friend Ann Whitaker. Ann and I met on a message board for grieving pet parents 13 years ago. We have never met F2F, but have remained fast friends all these years. "Dog Nanny" is available NOW! Go to for YOUR very own copy!