Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tin Cup Necklace

Today is my anniversary ... well, OUR anniversary. It's our 10th and I'm happy to say that we're still very much in love and very happy together.
My husband has been so good over the years with picking out jewelry, but this year his choice was more meaningful than ever.
The proper gift for 10th year anniversaries is tin. He did the research, then found what is called a "Tin Cup" necklace. It's named for the necklace Rene Russo wore in the movie of the same name. It all rolls together in that it's the only movie I ever liked with Kevin Costner in it and golfing is a favorite pass time of ours.
My necklace isn't tin, of course. Mine is white gold with 23 pearls. A beautiful and thoughtful gift from a loving and thoughtful husband.
Happy Anniversary to me!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Poor Ole Addy J

This is Addy J. She is a rescued Calico and is around 14 months old. The reason she is looking so pitiful (and standing there like a Prairie Dog) is that she has been declawed. I've never done that to any cat I've ever owned. Most of the others were indoor/outdoor types, but Addy J is strickly an indoor cat. We had to agree to that before we adopted her.

After watching her get frighteningly close to the big ole dog's (more on Leo later) eyes, enduring 3:00 a.m. claws in my toes and finding a perfectly good window treatment shredded, I decided it would be best for the whole family to remove those claws. Only the front claws are removed.

It's been three weeks since the surgery. I know she's OK because I find evidence of her being on the kitchen counter in the mornings (not OK). But, she's still working it. She'll hold one of her little paws up and look pitiful while expecting to get treats. Doesn't work on me!